Spectron Musician II -- deep bass perfomance??

I am considering purchasing this amp, and have read all the "raves" but was just wondering how this amp performs on the bass-end of the music scale?

I'm a dyed-in-the-wool "give me a big block six or eight over a turbo four any day"... "just-don't-see-how-an-amp that doesn't weigh at LEAST 100 lbs.-gonna -slam-my-face-with-bass" kinda guy, and would like to hear from owner's of this amp as to how you feel it compares to the "big boys" in the deep-bass/bass-control area.

Thanks to any & all.
As a dealer for the brands I am going to mention
I can tell you the Musician II has plenty of
bass.At this price point there is nothing I know
of other than the Stellavox that can beat it.Also
Being a dealer for Bel Canto also,I would say the
They rank in this order a this price
point.Stellavox,Specton BC.The Stellavox are mono
blocks that weigh 12 pounds each but have
performance that is jaw dropping including
authortative bass.The Spectron also has great
bass but in my opinion is not the best in the
midrange.Disclaimer,my comments are to my
ears.Weight has nothing to do with performance,it
is the design of the circuit and the JOB4 circuit
is what everyone else has to equal and in my opinion have yet to do.
to SATTOTHESTARS. did you compare the musician 2or bel canto to big models of m.levinson, krell,pass labs and others.what were the closest in terms of sound quality(soundstage,dynamics,etc)and in what price range.what would be the caracteristic of digital over the transistor.thanks
In my opinion the Stellavox will satnd heal to heal with any amp under 10K.Following clients have gone From ARt Jota to Stellavox,ML 336 to Stellavox,Musician II to Stellavox,and those who just outrightly prefered the Stellavox to others they listend to.Dynamics,bass,and the midrange of SETs is what makes these special.80% of what a Goldmund 29.4 (22k) can do.