Please recommend a good 3 Ch amp for HT

What will be good 3 ch amp for HT to drive CC and Rears ? I'll
be using the amp to drive Monitor Audio 10i and Paradigm ADP-350's
with a Parasound AVC-2500. The speakers are rated upto 150W.
Some of the amps I'm thinking are Audio Refinement Multi-3,
Rotel 1066 bridged to 3ch, BK ST125.3. Any other amps I should
consider ?
Thanks a lot.
Hi - You should seriously consider this amp:
Frank Van Alstine's equipment is eminently musical & affordable. You just can't go wrong with any of the AVA equipment.
Good Luck,
You don't mention your budget, but assuming that you are willing to spend up to $1500, I suggest you consider the Bryston 5B-ST, which is rated at 3x120 wpc, but actually produces 3x150 wpc. As you can see from looking at my system listing, I am using the 5B-ST for my center channel and rear surrounds, and have been very pleased with it. The 5B-ST often sells used on A-gon in the $1300-1400 range.

If $1500 is too much, then consider the Adcom GFA-5503, which is rated at 3x200 wpc. I previously owned the 5503, and also bought one for my son's system, and for $600-700 (used) it's an excellent value.
Yes, it depends on your budget. Check out the Odyssey Stratos HT3. It is very good in stereo and HT applications.