Who is the Youngest Audiogoner??

Just wondering who might be the absolute youngest Audiogoner to use this site and is a regular member?

If you are young, and think you may indeed be the youngest member, step forward and tell us your age and system. I think it might be cool to see how they differ from older members systems...
This is for fun, now be honest, we may ask you to prove it!

I am 20, I joined about 6 months ago. I found out about this place when I came to America from Jamaica( a little more than a year now). Took me a little while to find out about this place though, i found this site while doing reasearch for speakers. Since I have joined and gotten some great ideas from you guys, my system sounds much better, but not as good as I want, but in time it will. Im a college student so I can only dream about having some of the systems that you guys own. Right now I have an AH! Noje Tjoeb cdp, Van Den Hul Bay C5 interconnect, Parasound HCA-750, cheap Acoustic Reasearch speaker wire, and the phenominal MMGs.

Any more Jamaicans out there?
If you ask my wife, she'll say me! My chronlogical age is in the 40's, but I am like a little kid on Christmas when it comes to audio.
Initially I had assumed Slipknot1 was one of our age peers. For some reason I thought he might have based his moniker on that silly NuMetal band that dresses up in costumes and generally acts downright silly. not sure where i got that mental image. Oh well...
