Anybody using Wilsons or Soundlabs with Pass Labs?

Hi ye all. I'm curious whether anyone has tried Pass Labs amps on formidable speakers like Soundlabs or Wilson Watt Puppies.
I use a Pass Labs X-1 preamplifier and a pair of Aleph 2 with Wilson Watt/Puppy 5.1. If you're no bass fetishist this is an excellent combination.
I'm using Aleph 1.2's with a pair of Apogee Duetta Signatures. These replaced a pair of Krell KMA100 Mk 2's.

They are a very synergistic match. Bass is slightly less in quantity but much better in definition. The mids and highs are far superior and sweet.
Yes - I did. I tried a Pass Lab X600 with a pair of Sound Lab Auras (similar to Milenium series, but made of steel like Ultimate).

I also got to compare the X600 with Krell KSA 300S and Atma-Sphere MA1 mkII.2 OTL tube amps.

The results:
Atma-Sphere had the overall best performance, with the Krell a distant second. The Pass amp had NO BASS whatsoever to speak of. I suspect the Pass amps do not like the high impedances that occur in the mid-bass region.

DO NOT recommend you pair the Pass amps with Sound Lab speakers. However, I will say that the midrange and upper frequency performance was outstanding.
Wow! what a lot of interesting responses. I would have never guessed the Aleph models could give satisfactory service on the big speakers.
I have a pair of Wilson W/P 6 and tried a Pass 350 when I was looking for amps. The Pass was a very nice amp but just didn't do it for me. There was nothing wrong but I felt the magic wasn't there. I ended up with Atma-Spere MA1. The only thing I can suggest is giving them a listen.