Looking for info:Dunlap Clarke Dreadnaught 1000

I have a dunlap clarke Dreadnaught 1000 amp. It is a great sounding incredibly powerful high current amp. I have never in the 5 years I have owned it been able to find one single piece of information on it.
I met Dunlap & Clarke at the Atlanta show in '78. They were showing this amp, so that gives you the age.
I have manuals and schematics. I'll scan and email them in return for an opportunity to chat and learn what you know about these extraordinary amplifiers. I have a 500 that has been in daily service since 1982. I would not trade it for anything I have heard.

Ben Fagen
Hi I had seen a post you had information on Dunlap Clarke
products. If you have any of these scanned would really
like to get this.
Thanks in advance