What kind of power wakes up electrostatic speakers

Is it wpc, high current, both or what? I've been aud-itioning amps with the Final Electrostatic 0.3's (86 db sensitivity). The manufacturer suggests a minimum of 50 wpc to get them going. So far, I've tried a Nakamichi Stasis (150wpc) and an Electrocompaniet AW250DMB(250 wpc).With both,the speakers sounded dull, yet the Parasound HCA 3500 (250wpc & high current)made them sing sweet as can be.
Could somebody be kind enought to explain to me how this stuff works. I need to purchase an amp to drive the Final 0.4's (the big brother to the 0.3's). I'd love to know what
to look for.
I appreciate in advance your help. The source for this
was a Pioneer PD S95.
Hello, I think you may need a Berning ZH270, stunning with electrostatics, believe me I know first hand :)

The ZH270 handled the load of my Soundlab Pristine II's with ease to moderately load volumes with outstatnding sonics and musicality.

Check the forum archives here and read up about the 270 with electrostatics and other fine speaker designs, this amp is world class.

Best of luck,

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Welcome the the world of 'stats. I will never go back to boxes, but we stat owners need to do our homework.

These speakers present a widely varying impedence load to the driving amp, often down the sub 2 ohm range and want lots of voltage to play at louder levels. I have had a sunfire amp (300 wpc) hooked up to my actively crossed over Innersound Eros but found the best match was Innersounds own amp designed for ESL's specifically.

I heartily reccommend jumping over to www.innersound .net and checking out thier white paper on ESL amps. Furhter down be shy about calling the company and talking to the designer, Roger Sanders, who pretty much wrote the book on ESL design. Shoot every time I have called, he is the guy answering the phone.

His amp has loads of power and is quite reasonably priced ( for high-end audio!)

Happy listening and welcome to the "club"
