OTL amps on Dynamic Speakers

I am aware of the "synergy" between OTL designs and Electrostatic amps and wonder what others experiences using OTLs with Dynamic speakers. I am looking for a backup tube amp for my Duntech Black Knights and have narowed it down to either Fourier Panthere Mono OTLs or a Jadis Defy 7.

thanks for sharing
A product called the Zero Autoformer can be really helpful item mating your OTL to your speaker. I have replaced my speaker cable with this product with truly great results. Check out this link at the Atma-Sphere Owner Group site http://www.condor-connection.org/asog/tweaks/ps/zero/index.html
Highly recommend is the David Berning ZH-270 OTL. It has no problems with lower impedences because of its ability to match speaker impedence and increase power output into these more difficult loads. This design is most likely the most stable OTL design and does not use "brute force" technology by any means, uses a patended resulting in a more stable amplifier. Its power consumption at idle is a mere 100W and a maximum of 300W at full power output, you can adjust feedback on the fly, is stable into 2 ohms (and probably lower), tube life is an estimated 20 years, and can be mated with any speaker that a solid state amplifer within the similar equivilant output power can be mated to. Only most of the solid states don't sound as good as an OTL :)

Hi Justlisten, about OTL, there are several different OTL output stage designs: single-ended push-pull (SEPP) or circlotron. Fourier was using SEPP design. Atma-sphere, Joule Electra, Graaf are all using circloron output stage.
Fourier is out of business, and a much better one with SEPP output stage design is Transcendent Sound. I am not very familiar with Duntech, but you could call Bruce at Transcendent Sound to discuss about using OTL's with dynamic speakers. Best wishes.