Biggest impact on you?

Curious: I’ve gone through a lot of gear over the years. In reflecting upon this, a Conrad Johnson MV-45A1 power amplifier I bought back in 1983 had the biggest impact on me. This includes consideration of the many preamps, speakers, cables, CD players, and so on that I’ve owned through the years.

Has that piece been the best I’ve ever had or heard? Absolutely not. But, it was the first high end piece I’ve owned and it wowed me big time. Ran it with Vandersteens, CJ’s PV4 preamp, and a Sonograph TT – loved it!

So, what component (power, pre, speaker, TT, CD, etc.) has had the biggest impact on you?
Switchung to low power 300B SET and than replacing stock tubes with "Svetlanas" and stock rectifier with Mullard tube did for me.
The first was my first stereo in (dare I say it) the mid to late 60's. AR4X speakers, a Fisher Rec, and a Dual TT.

Second years later, after dozens of changes, was an AES AE3 tubed pre. Wow, I could now really hear the wood in the guitars.

Third was Analysis Plus Silver Oval IC's.

Forth and most recent, a year or so ago I replaced my Cardas Cross Speaker cables with Paul Speltz's Anti Cables. Wow and considerably cheaper too.
Goldmund studio Table with 3B arm just a fabulous table and a shame it's not in production and bettered.