Using an herbal vaporizer around hi-fi equipment

Will using an herbal vaporizer around hi-fi equipment damage amps, speakers, etc? I know smoking damages them. What about vapor?
I'm not sure what a herbal vaporizer is, but I'm imagining it to be something you put water in and a few drops of an herbal scented oil? I wouldn't do it. That stuff's gotta land somewhere. I consider it similar to cigarette smoke where as it has to end up somewhere, and that somewhere is every surface in your home. If dust can build up on PCB's and other stuff through vents, so can the herbal vapors. That sounds like the equivelant of deep frying wings without a vent hood.
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No ill effects here, but you really need to tap up the volume and turn on your Blisslight afterwards .... :-)
Ok. Well now that I know, I can answer that question. Doesn't make a difference.