how long to break in a power conditioner?

I posted this in misc a day or so ago, but I realized that this might be a better place, so here goes...

I bought a Monster Power HTS 3600 MKII about 3 weeks ago. My question is this: The first two days, the thing sounded unlike anything I'd ever heard (I have a Pass Labs x350, Bel Canto Dac3 and some Dunlavy speakers). Unfortunately, about the 3rd day, things started sounding closed in and the highs lost their air and all kinds of other stuff. the sound has gradually improved, but I want to know two things:

1. how long should one usually expect it to take to break one of these things in, and

2. was the added musicality and so on just a fluke?

The system still sounds better than it does going directly into the wall, which is how I was using it up until this purchase, but I'd sure like to get back to that sound I had at first.

Any suggestions? anyone else using one of these and had a similar experience? Should I just chuck it (sell it here) and get a better one? What I want is to get back to that super clean sound I was getting, and I'd love to just know I'm not insane or delusional!!!

Thanks everyone!

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My Haley sounds better with some weight on it. Try putting it on different surfaces, too. Make sure your cabling isn't on the carpet. I use whiskey glasses to rest the cabling on. Of course, check to make sure all connectors are all the way in. You aren't using an OEM PC from the Monster to the wall, are you? I'm not too familiar except with the stuff for home theater. Do their units have removable cords, or are you stuck with their cable?
Don't forget, its NFL playoff time. If you're listening when the games are on, there's lots of nasties out there.
I had a pair of Monster units a few years ago and I found they sounded much better when sitting on Starsound Audio Points.

You shouldn't be using the Monster 3600 if you are using stuff like Pass Labs. Try the PS Audio's Duet or Quintet. They are good for your large amp as well. Have fun.
Break-in has seemed to be about 200-300 hours on the Shunyata Hydra8 and Furman IT-Reference 20i and Elite 15PF I've owned depending upon unit in question...
HMMM, The Audience and Tara (passive) I have tried are done by the time I sit down to listen.