Zu Druids - Two years after

Well 2-3 years after all the hype about these speakers have you kept them in your system or have you moved on. In hindsight were they speakers to keep for the long term or just another audio flash in the pan? What has been your experience with them over the long term and other speakers you have had or heard?
An update from me. I have moved my Druids from largeish living room to small 11 x 13 office. I have them on the long wall and they still sound fabulous. So much so I have sold my $9,000 when new speakers. I have purchased a Mini Method to supplement the bass which should be here this week so will be hoping I can successfully integrate this into my small room and not muddle the dynamics and tone I am loving. The druids with 300b amp and Bent passive pre (I am convinced there is serious synergy here) are so good that I am re-working my way through my 1000 deep cd collection and its the proverbial hearing the music like it was new from every cd I spin.
Re: using high-power amps: I tried my Druid Mk IV's with an Emotiva RPA-2 (Class H 350w into 4ohms) and it sounded insanely clear. Although the highs and lows were a bit glaring and exaggerated, I was pleasantly surprised by the realness conveyed with that setup. Oddly enough, I tried a 300b amp (Omaha Audio 300b) and it was way too dark and congested sounding. Also the hum was a deal breaker for me!

Now I'm running the Druids with a Pass Aleph 3 (Class A, 30w) and the sound is very natural and fairly analog sounding. I am also using a tube DAC and tube pre (Monarchy M24). This is all in a small bedroom 10x12.