Your Worst Audio Breakdown

Checking out the forum today and I saw mention of a posters' 1st breakdown, and another about a fella with a broken tape deck wondering about fixing it. He than tells us that 3 other parts of his rig are in need of repair (whoa!). Got me to thinking, in close to 30 yrs of being in this hobby, I ruined a cartridge (my fault!) and I blow fuses on my amp from time to time. That's it! I'm wondering; am I just extremely lucky or what!?

Equipment failure is the nightmare of any audiophile, what's been your experience with gear breakin' down?
I was using my Marantz 2270 receiver as a preamp through my Sumo Andromeda into some Polks. The right channel just stopped. Every test I ran indicated no issues. I finally isolated the amp as the only possible problem, and pulled apart the Sumo (no easy task). Aside from getting a well deserved cleaning there was nothing wrong with the Sumo. I have no clue what happened to this day.

My dad purchased a used Adcom 5802 and hooked it up to his ML Aerius i's. He was just warming the thing up running it on his tuner and didn't realize it was pumping straight DC out of the right channel.
I lost an EAD 7000mkii Dac and one of my favorite vintage HK receivers during a storm :(
Well, just one year ago this month I purchased a Jolida 3000B pre-amp and a pair of Jolida 3000A power amps here on Audiogone. The pre-amp came from a dealer new in the box, but the power amps were aquired pre-owned from a private party. When the driver from FED-EX was bringing in the second amp, he (intentionally) dropped it from waist height right in front of me like it was a box of rags or something! I was horrified, but since both amps played when I hooked them up, I did not call the supervisor ,(my mistake),. 3 months later a loose connection was the cause of the first repair to the amp that was dropped. I just got the same amp back from its second reair,(a burnt-out relay), 2 weeks ago. It took about 2 months this time. FED-EX would not cover the first repair because I would not turn the amp over to them so that they could "inspect" it. I do not like FED-EX anymore. After I recieve my USB adapter I plan on posting pics of my system.
In the 80's I had 2 ARC D115 & SP8 pop all tube plus other items inside and had to be totally rebuilt, out of warrenty.
My fault:

Powering a Plinius SA100 MKII with no cables attached.

Burned out an Op Amp on a tweak by squirting cleaning liquid in an RCA which entered the cable.

Girlfriend's Fault:

Showing off to a friend and turned the system on with the volume on high. Blew a tweeter resulting several weeks down-time with shipping/burn-in.