Your last concert was to see who and when?

Pretty simple, what and when was your last concert?

Showing 8 responses by reubent

Tonight! 9/24/2022 - Joan Osborne - Ludlow Garage - Cincinnati, Ohio

Wow! Fantastic show! That girl has got "it".

August 16, 2023 - Red Rocks Amphitheater

Beck, Phoenix, Japanese Breakfast, Sir Chloe

Sad to say, I haven't seen another show since. Looking forward to a good 2024 concert schedule.

@bander - Really sorry to hear regarding the sound at the Joan Osborne show. We saw her last year at Ludlow Garage in Cincinnati and it was fantastic. Her vocal performance was very good, as was the accompaniment. Overall, it was a fantastic show. Didn't hurt that we were front row in a 325 seat room...

2024 concert schedule here in Cincinnati is heating up. Here's a few I'm planning to attend in spring of 2024... Also hope to see a show or two at Read Rocks or near Golden, CO where my son is attending university.

Guided by Voices


Carbon Leaf

Shovels and Rope

Proxima Parada

Can't wait to see who's playing this summer and fall....

@slaw - Hey Steve! How was Lucinda? I've seen her, and Buick 6, many times. Some great, some not so great...

@dweller - Actually, never heard of Saving Escape. However, I see they are scheduled to play at MOTR Pub on Feb. 24. I'll check them out and see if I may be interested in going to see them.

Matthew Sweet - 4/23/2024 - Ludlow Garage, Cincinnati (Clifton), Ohio. Good show. Big finish!