Your jaw dropping cables


Did you have any jaw dropping experience with any type of cable? Please refer to the cable and its predecessor (and I'm not referring just to VFM - also expensive ones count).
I've tried or owned my share of cables over the years, but the ones I keep coming back to are Jena Labs. They're the most finely balanced cables I've had in my system. While there may be things out there that do this or that a bit "better" (read: mostly differently) the Jenas just organize all the qualities of a great cable into the most coherent presentation I've experienced in my home. Maybe not jaw-dropping in the sense that they scream for your attention, but just simply excellent.
On the lower-tier of the spectrum, I have been impressed, w/ both Straight Wire & Signal Cable.
ZenWave D4 cables do it for me.Like the top Siltech at a fifth or less the cost.