Your First Concert was.....

My first concert was Arlo Guthrie at the Shaffer (sic) Music Festival in Central Park, NYC. It cost 2 bucks and it was for his "Running Down the Road" album.
Santana. Fee concert in Isla Vista, at UC Santa Barbara. Before they went to Woodstock and became famous...
The Who - St. Paul Civic Center, October 15th, 1980. I was 15. Keith Moon had died less than a year before this tour, so Kenny Jones drummed for the. Simply awesome.
The Axiom...Houston, Texas...1989...the Pain Teens (so incredibly cool) with lead singer Bliss Blood (so undeniably hot) opening for Sleep Chamber (to this day I think one of the most intimidating bands to jump off a stage). Not for the faint of heart...even now I can almost feel I was there just last night/this morning. Couldn't hear for two great and only five bucks...what a deal.
Technically it was Canned Heat playing at my high school dance, SoCal 1968. First paid concert was Vanilla Fudge opening for the Bee Gees, same year. Interesting combination, to say the least.