Your favourite recordings that everyone else hates

Any of you have favourites that were rejected by reviewers and / or the public in general ? Well, here's your chance to bare your soul and plead your case before the Audiogon Court of Jesters : )

How about discs that you love even though the recordings are decidedly "lo-fi" ? Bootleg's don't really count, but you can list them anyhow : ) Sean
When I want people to leave I'll put on Shawn Phillips, either Second Contribution or Transcendance. Or sometimes Jean Luc Ponty. Amazing how fast my house empties. Then I can sit back in peace and quiet and enjoy.
Tgi: I would guess that you are somewhere in your mid 50's in terms of age. Am i close ? Sean
No, actually I'm 43. Interesting you would guess that age, the gal who turned me on to both of these is probably in her early 50's now.
yeap...Gravity Kills and Rammstein...I love both bands and i got all of their recordings...Rammstein has a killer DVD out...a must careful with the volume!