Your Experience with Bryston 7BSST.....

I need to replace my B&W MPA 810 MonoBlockcks, used to drive the Woofer Sections of my INFINITY BETA. Unfortunately, one has gone South, and B&W aren't disposed to repair them, and in spite of schematics, I'm having no luck getting them repaired. SO...this brings me to the BRYSTON 7BSST. I understand they are outstanding in Current Delivery and other "Bottom End" aspects that might make them a good choice for this application. I've seen the BRYSTONS (various models) used extensively in Pro-Sound/Touring P.A. systems, and know their reputation for reliability. I've had no exposure to them in "Home Audio" situations, and that's what this query is about: Could any of you Out There on AudiogoN share your First-Hand Knowledge of the BRYSTON 7BSST, particularly regarding the Low End ??? Thanks !!!!!!
I use 7B-SST with Revel Salons. I really like this amp for the attributes that others have previous mentioned, detail, bass, clarity. I would also add non-fatiguing and exciting to that list too. I use Virtually Dynamics cryoed Signiture power chords into the amps directly from a wall outlet. The jewel in my system are my Revel Salons and I have no problems with keeping the Brytons for a very long time with these brilliantly designed speakers.

I use balanced cables from my Bryston BP25 preamp. One thing that I recently did that I found useful was setting the gain on the 7B-SST to the 2v (??) position (the lower position). This was a wonderful revelation for me. I do not know why this was so but my perception of the soundstage and detail increased further at this setting. The Bryston manual actually recommends this setting but I of course didn't read it for several months.

I have compared these same set of speakers with ML 486 amps, while they sounded great, after 3 hours of listening my head was pounding. This was never the case with the 7B-SST after 7 months of use.
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I have a pair of 7BSSTs driving PMCIB1s tti-wired through Cardass Gold Cross cables. I'm very happy with this set-up. As for bottom end, PMC's are known for their low end ability and the Brystons feed them what they need to do the job-lots of clean deliberate power! I would recommend this match up to anyone who wants true professional studio quality sound. Family demands have me ready to reluctantly sell my equipment, but I've never been dissatisfied with any aspect of performance.