Your budget - $20K - best system for a small room

If I could start over and develop a system for a small listening room (11 x 12 x 8) with a budget of $20K total, what 2-channel system would you recommend. Used is OK. Digital source and FM tuner. Remote required. I listen to jazz, vocals, classical. Once it's built, I would like to describe it as musical, refined, smooth.
Thanks for your ideas.
$20k is a magic number since it *CAN* be attainable for a lot of folks. $308/4weeks is $4k/yr. That's a major component purchase each year right there! In four or five years you'll have your $20k (or thereabouts) system.

As to milkman's observation of the $20k barrier - I think to a lot of folks the $20k barrier is pretty psychological. Much in the same way a $1k or $2k would seem to a non-audiophile. One $20k seems to buy a whole lot of performance without loosing everything completely to diminishing returns. And two it's a nice round number. But good observation milkman. But normally I would guess the ranges to be $10k and $40k. That's what I think I see.
Audio Note:

Soro SE Integrated New $4000
AN E/Spe Speakers New $5000
CD3.1x CD player About $2000 used

That leaves at least $9000 for cables and upgrades, more if you buy the Soro & speakers used. If you do go used there, you can upgrade to CDT Two & a better DAC, or higher level speakers.
Here's my suggestion, but keep in mid it's coming from a newbie!
This assumes you've got a fairly small room, not more than 15x20 or so.

Speakers: JM Lab Micro Utopia
CDP: Audio Aero Capitole (with preamp section)
Amps: Electrocompaniet AW220 monoblocks.

You're lloking at about $12,000 or so used.