You could work for any manufacturer, past or present...

If you had a chance to work with anyone related to audio, pro or home, spend time in the workshop, go to the shows and sell it, who would it be?

1.)Harry F. Olson, engineer at RCA Victor. Awarded 100 +patents including the 44 and 77 series microphones. Loudspeaker baffles anyone?

Yes, the criticisms of Dynagroove were certainly warranted. IMO, it was simply a serious attempt to improve the listening experience for people with less than ideal audio equipment. (His book, "Music, Physics and Engineering" is available on Abe Books for $6.16 w/free shipping.)

2.) Ed Miller & John Wood (Sherwood).

Probably Arnie Nudell of Infinity and Bill Johnson of Audio Research.  Both deviated from the mainstream with outstanding results.
Nelson Pass is okay! Your original thread didn't mention a age restriction. 
"Past or present" I believe it reads.
Happy Listening