YBA Passion vs YBA integre dt integrated????

I'm considering a new amp to push my JM Lab Micro Utopias. I heard YBA matches very well with JM Lab product. I heard at CES the demo of their new Utopia's was done with the Passion integrated amp. This speaks alot to their confidence in this product. Is it worth the difference in price or is the smaller integrated adequate? How do the YBA integrateds compare to the Plinius 8200 integrated?
Sam Tellig wrote a very good article about the YBA Passion and specifically compared it to the older DT. It is in the most recent issue of Stereofile. If you're interested in this integrated I strongly recommend you try to read this article.

My local dealer carries both YBA and JMlab so I've actually heard them paired together several times. I've heard it setup on both a pair of Mezzo Utopia's and Utopia's and it was absolutely unbeleivable in both setups. I happen to be saving up specifically for the passion integrated right now. I promise you wouldn't be disapointed in it.
If you can afford the Passion... Get it and don't look back... It will take much more money to get better than the YBA... There's been a few threads on this topic... WarrenH had a DT and replaced it with a Passion...

I myself bought a Passion... I was balancing between a YBA 2 amp/preamp and a few other integrateds... I finally went for the Passion...

It's very detailled and not grainny at all... The only little drawback is that it may be a bit lean in the lower octave compared to other brands... It's a very little minus compared to what you get (detailled and musical with a great soundstage)...

Something to remember... Laws of diminishing returns... The Passion is worth twice as much as the DT... Is it worth double the price? I think it's worth every penny...

Happy auditionning
Warrenh is a big fan of both (especially the Passion) and can tell you all about them. He's around here somewhere... If he doesn't find you, you should find him. Arthur