Yamaha RXV-630 Good enough?

I have a Yamaha RXV-630 AV Receiver. I'm thinking of buying a pair of B&W 602 series 3 along with a ASW-600 Sub.
I'm new to the high end stereo game. Is the Yamaha's built-in amp(75watts/channel) good enough to run these high quality speakers or am I wasting my time? How good of a soundstage will this produce?
I'm also thinking of Paradigm monitors. Are they better than the B&W's
The Paradigm's were the Monitor 3's (I think; but maybe the Titans) They were $650 for the pair. Does this sound right? The Paradigm's sounded amazing but they were in a huge home theater room at the store and were hooked up to $10000 of equipment.
If I add an amp to my receiver just to drive the stereo speakers for music and use the receiver's internal amp for the remaining speakers for 5.1 what would you recommend that would fit nicely with the Yamaha. (under $500)
i'm no expert, but i run a yamaha rxv3000 and i use an acurus 125x5 to power my system. i had an acurus a150 powering the mains, but picked up the 125x5 at a deal. i have been extremely pleased. the yamaha will do fine, but i feel better using it as a preamp.
If you are using this system primarily for HT, it would be fine. For high quality 2 channel you are going to want better quality than this for electronics. Maybe a high quality integrated if you are not willing to go the separates route.