Yamaha Aventage RX-A1020 Needs some speakers

CAn my YAmaha receiver power a pair of B&W CM9s??? IS it a good quality match or do the CM9s outpace the Yamaha????

Thanks for the help.
Thats a big room Bill. With a lot of highly reflective surfaces too.

If it was me, I would get the Parasound A31 at 250 wpc to drive the CM9's and Center. 3K and your done. Comes in Silver or Black. Keep your Yamaha RX1020 as your processor and also use it to drive the surrounds.

Then consider some room treatments or your going to have one very bright sounding system. And the amplifier you choose won't have anything to do with it. Good luck.
For that kind of money, I prefer 3 monoblock amps, maybe Emotiva XPA-1 like mines or Wyred for Sound SX500 or SX1000. If you don't want to spend that much, the Emotiva XPA-3 is a great amp for HT.
I have a Yamaha RX-V1073 (The Australian A1020 equivalent I'm led to believe) and have B&W 685's at the front, 686's to the rear and the HTM62 in the centre with no sub attached. They are connected with Audioquest Flx-Slip14/4. The front pair are Bi-amped and the remaining 3 speakers just have the cable doubled up.
I can honestly say I am not impressed with the sound. There is a lack of urgency in it's delivery and whilst the mid and high range clarity is reasonable I find the bass to be weak and uncontrolled. I used to drive the same set up with a Sony STR-DB930 which, believe it or not did a much better job. While the detail wasn't there in the same way, the delivery was considerably more exciting. Are there any tweaks I can make to my current setup that don't involve throwing too much money at it which will make a difference?