Xbox help

Recently got an xbox and it came with a converter that the guy called a HD conveter. I suspect it is just a component converter. My problem is when using that converter, it displays in 4:3 only, not 16:9
Is anyone familiar with this? First: is there another unit out there that is better?
I guess second would be the obvious, would the DVDO be a good choice?
Thanks for any help.
Okay, thank you. I had tried the 16:9 set up in the xbox menu but it still cuts off the top and bottom. I am running Madden 2006 and maybe the game won't allow the 16:9 format. I will try some other games. Thanks again.
yes I have. That is why I am confused. I went to the xbox site originaly and had a live chat with a rep. Real good system I might add. The rep said that unit does that. And I should use the composit input to see the whole screen. Which I thought was bogus of the unit to be built like that> So I was wondering what was really up. I tried a couple of gaming sites to get some help and no luck. So I came to the trusty AG to get some answers.
I just went through the setup again. The xbox settings for video can be standard , letterbox, or widescreen. I have chose both letterbox and widescreen and the top and bottom are cut off. hmmmm...