Would a new cd player make a difference?

system: bryston bp25, tandberg 3006, B&W Matrix 3, old Kyocera cd (1987)
You will likely realize just how nice some of the "older" CDs sound through a good, new CD player. Good listening!
I had the Kyocera CDP many years ago and it was good for those times. However,I totally agree with Twu2, that you would be amazed by how much of an improvement you would hear by trying one of the better CDPs of much more recent vintage. Not just an improvement but a qualitative shift towards the reference of real music.There are many CDPs and even separate DACs and Transports,starting around a thousand dollars,new or used you should audtion to see for yourself.There are at least two or more recent threads regarding digital front ends at reasonable prices so they could give you an idea of which brands and specific pieces you could take a listen to. Hope this helps.