Wolcott amps The best tube amps?

Ihave been reading reviews from mags and amps are supposedly tops. Is this true. Has anybody heard these?
Hi Snook2, I just responded to your request by e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you!
For the money the Wolcott's are some of the better amps on the market. There are dealers out there who carry them, usually the guys who do alot of High End two channel business. As for the comparison to the Plinius SA 250, there is none.
dont believe everthing you read from these reviewers. most of them dont know what they are talking about. the only way is to go hear them for yourself. if you read alot of reviews you'll start to see a pattern. read what they say take it with a grain of salt and go listen for yourself, thats the only way to be sure.
You may want to define who you're calling a "reviewer". I have heard the Wolcott, have you? I found it to be an excellent amplifier. I heard it in a fellow audiophile's system. He had replaced a much more expensive pair of Vivas. I found the Wolcott's to stand up to them quite well and for about 40% less $$$! Not only that they weren't totally broken in yet!! While I agree you should always listen for yourself in YOUR system, I think the point of these threads is to see if you should BOTHER to do so to begin with! Saying we "don't know what we are talking about" does not help this person decide! I suggest if you have heard these amps to give us your opinion of them otherwise...