Wireworld USB YES!

Upgraded to a Wireworld Platinum 7 USB cable ( pure silver ) and wow wow wow! Getting the best sound and capabilities out of my system. Way more depth, detail and gobs of soundstage. Had a Shunyata and was good , but this is unreal. The smoothness of the whole presentation of the music is just amazing. Highly recommended 
Associated equipment: 
Mark Levinson No.526 preamp
Mark Levinson No.532H amp
Revel F228be speakers
Aurender streamer
Cardas clear interconnects and speaker cables 
Clarus and PS Audio power cords with PS Audio conditioner. 

On sale at The Cable Company for half price of $500 due to new 8 series coming out. 
I have compared the Wireworld Platinum 7 to the Audioquest Diamond and only needed a few hours listening to determine that the Wireworld is a better sounding cable.