Wilson WP 7 and ATC SCM150ASL

What is the deal with the ATC SCM150ASL. Is this a better more accurate speaker than the WP 7??

Who else has had a listening experience and compared these two??
I have (listening experience, that is) and much prefer the ATC. As to whether it's a more "accurate" speaker... if that means, flatter response, less phase anomalies, more extended freq. response, less distortion, more detail, etc, I can only say that SUBJECTIVELY I give the nod to ATC.

But that's neither here nor there, I haven't measured these speakers so have nothing to substantiate what I say :)

You really have to listen, YMMV.

FWIW, the Wilsons were driven by the big Krell monos.
Yes the ATC's are better speakers. I know people who owned Wilson speakers and replaced them all with ATC. I too replaced all my speakers with ATC. My local ATC dealer is also a Wilson dealer and has Watt puppy 7's and also sophias and they are using all Rogue tube gear. The ATC's are without a question superior to the Wilsons. Especially when you note that a substantial portions of the music we listen to is mastered on ATC speakers. Go to the ATC website and look at who uses them and tell me if you think these people know what they are talking about. I think they do and so do all the other people out there who admit it. Although again, sound is a matter of opinion. ATC just happens to be the opinion of many true musicians, performers and artists as well as so many respected engineers. Everyone hears things differently though so demo them, but I will tell you now if you love wilson or are partial to them then you are going to be disappointed when you hear them up against the ATC's because they are not as good. The ATC is so natural and non coloring and the mid-range is just to die for.
Well first off, the disclaimer: I peddle ATC.

The larger ATC speakers, such as the 50, 100, and 150, are genuine competition for the best of the well-known high-end lines. Their 3" midrange driver is among the finest midrange drivers ever made, and is arguably the finest direct radiating non-electrostatic midrange driver out there. The designers have really paid attention to detail in putting together these loudspeaker systems - they are excepionally free from audible distractions and colorations, and their presentation is very open and relaxing.

And far be it from me (as a dealer) to suggest someone spend less money than they'd planned, but unless you like it really really loud, the SCM100 is probably more than enough speaker for any reasonably-sized listening room. The ATC speakers can play considerably louder than you'd expect before they begin to distort. ATC's specifications are typically British in their understatedness.

Best of luck in your quest!
