Wilson's new speaker the Sasha is coming.

THere is a teaser on their website. Looks beautiful if you can make out the images. I think it is a step up from the WP generation. Maybe a replacement.
I think wilson should come out with a pink speaker for women. I know Paris Hilton would buy one. She just painted her Bentley pink.
Possibly a head on aimed at undercutting the V3s (hearsay from reliable sources; seem to be hurting the WP8s sales thus their recent rrp reduction). If above rrp of $26,950 for Sasha is materialized, this will mean bad news to most of Wilson's line in the used market.
"Wilson Audio is the real deal." It's just amazing what goes on here and how are ears are connected to our wrong orfices!
Oh well, and 53% of Americans want socialism they also believe in our dictator and leader of the state. We have to go backwards before we may progress. Nothing seems to change in the deluded worlds we live in. Real and audio!
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04-25-09: Taters
I think wilson should come out with a pink speaker for women.
The Mary Kay Cosmetics model! Mary Kay should start handing out pink Sashas as bonuses instead of pink Cadillacs.