Wilson Maxx 2 Biamping?

This speakers have only a pair of binding posts in the back of the lower box. But also they have a pair of binding post marked as middle and another pair marked as highs in the back of the top box. This two additional pairs can be used to bi or triamping this speakers? I mean: the middle-high crossover are located on the top box or are in the low box of the speakers?
Jfrech and Samuel, why do you think that we want more bass? I never told this. We have measured the system and both channels show big peaks, due to room resonances, and a big dip in one of them. Also I'm pretty sure that the ARC VT100 cannot manage correctly the bass drivers and ad more boomy to the bass.

Please keep with you your opinions and offensive words. The Maxx2 are simply big speakers(not very impressive for me) and have the same than others: cabinets xovers and drivers. I'm asking if they can be biamped, and if not what are the technical reasons that make that a bad idea (serie xovers design, non linear phase as result, kind of damage to the drivers...) If the only reason is that the sound can be not good, we have t
I have a problem with my last message, following it should be:

...we have the knowledge and hardware to correct it. And the good or bad sound at this level is a matter of tastes.

I should add that the room is around 30 squared meters, irregular shape and very few possibilities to place this big speakers.
Nope can't bi-amp, Wilson does some super special stuff with the crossovers and everything has to play through the bottom jacks. So off for some monoblocks I go....