Wilson audio 3.2 speaker

I just brought Wilson audio 3.2 speaker and Mark Levinsion 23 dual mono amp. I am out of money so I used pre-amp Audio Increable Module 2. Somehow ML Amp doesn't have RCA connector and preamp doesn't have XRL connectors. I am trying to order camac/RCA to connnect preapm and amp. First, I tried to buy XRL/RCA. Sounds are very soft not loud with speaker even I turn almost end of the volume. I think maybe the connector. I do not know that camac/RCA does have the problem as XRL/RCA. Please advice me. I maybe think about buy Makr Levinsion preamp but can't affort now. Is this true that MK 23 can not handle Wilson audio 3.2 or my connectors are wrong?
Tuha612, is wire cloth hanger ring any bell? :-) At least, while you wait for ordering...
From my expience, I've had a setup of Adcom GTP-750-> XLR-> ML 23.5->Watt3/Puppy2 with very good performance.
Running XLR interconnector usually gives more detail which is a plus when you have good speakers like the Watt/Puppy.
For shorting straps, I can use any coper to wire. One question, which one is best price speaker cable for Wilson audio speaker? I am using MIT T2.