Willl you spend over $5000.00 for speakers?

I always wondered what type of person will spend over $5000.00 for speakers. I bought a used Willson WITT 1 for $5700.00 and I am told by people that I am out of my mind. I don't care what they say. I love my WIIT 1 and soon to upgrade the speaker. Willson Audio is one manufacture who cares about your investment in a beautiful well built speaker and allows you to upgrade the speaker for a fee. Wow!! What a great sound. Kick back and drink a cold beer while I enjoy one song after another.
In 1991 I bought a pair of Apogee Duetta Signatures @ $4,000. At the time it was the most money, by far, I had spent on anything for music playback. I haven't even considered looking at or listening to anything else since.
Sure, I would spend easily 5000 because this is my hobby and I get a great deal of satifaction from listening to music. Some people come home from work stressed or whatever and drink, or smoke, or eat to much, and take Xanax. Audiophiles on the whole relax by listening to their stereo system. This is what we do to unwind and enjoy life. Its a healty escape. My theory, very unscientific, is that audiophiles live longer than that of the non-audiophile. Yes I see my purchases of stereo equipment an investment in my mental & physical well being! $5000 for something that makes you happy over several yrs? bargain indeed!
Most audiophiles consider speakers to be the cornerstone around which the rest of their system is built. Speakers just have the biggest impact on overall system sound than any other single component, although the cost of this vs. other system components is also the highest. Right now, I am running a 17 year old pair of ADS L1530 studio monitors with Spectral amp/preamp, Mac CDP. The sound coming from them is amazing, esp. considering they only cost me $1400 used (listed for $2900 in 1984, the last year they were made). For speakers made by manufacturers, used is definitely the way to go. In today's market, a new $2000 pr. of speakers basically gets you just above junk. For a true audiophile system, $5000 is an absolute minimum to spend on speakers, esp. if new. If I may put a plug in for a local store (in Milwaukee, WI), Bill at Audio Ventures will make you a pair of speakers for approx. $7000 using top-of-the-line Focal drivers (3-way, with single 12" woofer) and very sophisticated x/o's ($1000 in parts alone for x/o's) that blow away anyhing out there in the $12000 to $15000 range. I heard a pair of these speakers driven by Bryston equipment, was amazed. Unlike many speakers out there today, these things had some punch and were incredibly open and free, most unlike a box speaker. After I heard them, I plunked down $10000 to have an even better pair made, with dual 12" woofers and hurricane-proof cabinets. I heard a pair of $30000 pr. of Genesis speakers with all Sonic Frontiers equip. recently that didn't come close to the previously described system with these "home-made" speakers. While I don't have my speakers yet, they WILL be incredible. If you are interested in hearing any of Bill's speakers, let me know, as I know a couple of people who have them. In answer to your question, YES!!!
No, I will not. If you could spend $5,000 for speakers now, you would spend $10,000, $15,000,...for them, eventually. Choose the one that you can pay off. Forget what brand of your speakers. Enjoy with your good music - Listen to music not speakers.