Will high price HDMI cable makes a difference?

I need to purchase one and there seems to be quite a range of price from 19 to more than 100 dollars. Will the differnece be that great between 19 vs. 100?
Will the differnece be that great between 19 vs. 100?

Unlike analog signals or clock timing signals, there should not be the slightest difference between digital signals if the cables are within tolerance and the bits are getting through. The whole point of digital is to elimiate the dependence on analog signal accuracy by sending a stream of two widely different states with clearly identifiable positions that remain clear given any vagaries in transmission/power/noise etc...i.e. a clearly disernable stream of what may be accurately identified as ONE's or ZERO's.

Of course a very poorly manufactured cable may give problems - but this should be the exception and not the rule.
Are you kidding me? To argue there is no difference is naive or foolish? Isn't the opposite true? To argue there is a difference when there's no real proof or evidence is naive and foolish. The argument that some people are incapable of perceiving a difference also seems ridiculous. Listen, I have a very high-end Sony HD TV, and I saw no difference between the cheap Panasonic HDMI cable that came with the DVD player and expensive Monster cable. I think that it's naive and foolish to think that there aren't a lot of companies out there who try to take advantage of our DESIRE to see or hear differences when there is none.
You might want to check out this:

My experience was just the opposite of yours, but I didn't use Monster cable, nor would I. In fact, that was the cable I replaced! I contacted the Cable Company and got their top recommended HDMI cable. YES, there was a considerable difference, and NO it was not their most expensive HDMI cord. I stand by my comments - there are differences in shielding, connectors, etc. in HDMI cables just like any others, that yield differing results. There are also a number of people that insist they see or hear no differences when people in the same room do pick up the differences. Thats the difference in perceptions I was referring to, and that is by no means ridiculous - it happens every day in stores and shops across America.

I'm not saying, nor have I said, that there are NOT a lot of companies out there who try to take advantage of our desire to see or hear differences, because they DO exist. It takes some digging sometimes to find cables that make you happy and cost obviously does not necessarily equal quality.