Why not horns?

I've owned a lot of speakers over the years but I have never experienced anything like the midrange reproduction from my horns. With a frequency response of 300 Hz. up to 14 Khz. from a single distortionless driver, it seems like a no-brainer that everyone would want this performance. Why don't you use horns?
"You are comparing 2 amplifiers that obviously have differences other than max power and saying it is definitely because they have more power. It seems you jump to a lot of conclusions."

Well, for starters, the output impedance was cut in half.

"Prez, so there is nothing you could possibly do to improve the sound of that system?"

At this time, no. But we are always searching.

"How do you figure the efficiency of the "basshorns" given it is an active system?"

Easy. You raise to volume to a specific SPL and then measure the output of the amplifier. The rest is just math.

Incidentally, I'm trying to give the benefit of the doubt but so far I'm not entirely certain you understand the full breadth of sensitivity and the ways to achieve it.
FWIW, a serious argument could be made that it is better to use 6 individual drivers to achieve the same sensitivity of just one and a huge horn due to the way the 6 different ones will average out their non-linearities.
Sorry, let me clarify one thing.......
The two 150watt amplifiers in question versus the one 75watt were simply monobloc versions of the same amplifier.
Identical in every way expect the fact that the monobloc has paralleled outputs.
@ Duke: I remember reading that same account of the guy who hated horns until that experience. I just can't place it.

But I disagree. I've heard everything that has gotten any press in the last 10 years and more. Some are better than others. But I maintain my ultimate conclusion. All horns sound like horns to some degree or another. Some are just better at hiding the fact.

But like we "horn haters" have said over and over..... To each his own. Its all a balance of compromises, no matter how you look at it.
I read the following statement wrong so I'll try to answer it again.

"You are comparing 2 amplifiers that obviously have differences other than max power and saying it is definitely because they have more power. It seems you jump to a lot of conclusions."

Actually, I made no such claim! I offered this example as a counter to your implication that simply because a speaker HAD a ton of amplifier power that it NEEDED the power. I simply offered a concrete example as to why Avantegaurde WOULD install a 250watt amp versus the argument that it NEEDED one.
My initial response to this statement was offering a reason as to why the amp with more power would sound better.