Why no threads on OTL amps?

I looked through the old thread list and didn't find anything on OTL amps. How come? Does nobody like them? Is there something wrong with them? Would you buy/notbuy one, and why? If you would buy one, which one do you like best? I always thought OTL was the best, but there doesn't seem to be much interest here on this forum for them.

Which horn speakers did you settle on? I own a Berning 270 and am myself interested in horns. Did you try the 270 with the horns before selling it? How did it sound?

I have a pair of Avantegarde Duos. I found that I needed the integrated subwoofer to really enjoy all types of music. I didn't like the single driver(full range) speakers--no frequency extremes tho they do midrange very well. As to the amps, I did compare the two. The 270 sounded great but in comparison to the 811 was more OTL-like e.g. faster and slightly harder sounding. The 811 had slightly more midrange bloom but most importantly for me was that I started listening to the music and forgetting about audiophile sonic attributes like soundstaging,speed,
detail,etc. With the 811 the speakers completely disappeared. Hope this helps.
I had the Berning amp here for six months and then sold it after hearing the Tenors and amps from Exemplar Audio. Both were superior in every audiophile parameter you can think of on Merlins VSMs and Beauhorn Virtuosos
Srouse, I haven't heard the Exemplar amp. Did you hear a 2A3 or a 300B? Checked into it at the Bottlehead site. It seems that he(John) has gotten some input from the Bottlehead people on his amps. Bet they sound great.90kHz bandwidth, must be a helluva output transformer!
Jtinn, BTW, Kris is entitled to his opinion, just as you are. Just as I am. Please do not feel threatened if another amp line surpasses your favorite. It happens to your customers all the time, when you have something new and great to sell them. Probably doesn't bother you a bit that they are going to take a bath on the money they lose selling their old gear and paying you profit on the flavor of the month. After all, how else would audio businesses continue to make money. I've worked in several audio emporiums and know people that worked in others, been to CES, and other shows and rubbed elbows. I know the comments that are made between dealers and mfrs. It's all about churning. Just like the stock brokers: buy, sell, buy, sell. How many "turns" will you get on a particular product in a year, is the major concern. And how much margin. Hype the latest hot item, and next month hype the next. If a customer's system gets superceded by a better(newer) product, well "that's just the electronics biz." But if you've got $350k tied up in the minimum stocking order to retain a dealership, then you better believe that amp is going to be the "best you ever heard".I hate to be this hard on you, but you threw down the gauntlet and now I'm telling you that your opinion cannot be considered objective because you have financial interest in certain products selling well. Conflict of interest, I believe, is the term. You should recuse yourself from this discussion due to conflict of interest.