Why does my system now have shrill top end.

The equipment in my system (listed below) has not changed but I now find on both CD and Vinyl a high end shrillness to the sound (treble is very harsh) that has become very annoying, especially at high volume levels. I have no idea why this happened all of a sudden.

Endevour E-3
Pass 30.8
Pass XP 20
Esoteric K01x
Linn LP12 (Ortofon Black cartridge)
Linn Linto Phono Preamp
PS Audio P5 (Amp plugged in directly to wall)
JL Audio F112 v2 sub
OCOS Speaker cable (15 feet)
Pass XLR interconnect (Preamp to Amp)
Harmonic Technology Cable Magic Link (not current version). RCA termination

Any ideas?
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Jea48 12-2-2017
What are the chances the OP could connect the Linn Linto Phono Preamp directly to the inputs of the Pass amp without it playing too loud for a test. That would take the Pass XP 20 out of the equation.
Hi Jim,

In this case that's probably not a good idea, assuming that the "Ortofon Black" cartridge referred to in the OP is the 2M Black.  That cartridge has a rated output under the standard test conditions of 5 mv.  The low gain (54 db) setting of the phono stage would boost 5 mv to 2.5 volts, which is more than three times greater than the input voltage that would drive the XA30.8 to full power.

Also, I see that the remote control provided with his Esoteric K01X SACD player provides volume control buttons, but although I could be wrong I suspect it is provided for purposes of adjusting the volume on their integrated amplifiers or other components, not on this player.

Best regards,
-- Al
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