Why do Cyrus get such praise from What HiFi???

I had a complete Cyrus system, well amp and cd player and the special PSU units for both. The cd player packed in after a few months. The trouble with them was that because the player played therm at a lower speed, (apparently to get the most info off the disc without resorting to error correction), they were very poor at reading less than pristine cds, or in some cases, cds!
I actually had to send the unit back 6 times, along the way getting a brand new unit. To no avail. The cruncher was when the little standby button on the front vanished into the case. The cost for repair? £250!! This was despite the fact that the unit had only recently returned from Cyrus after yet another repair. The reason Cyrus gave was that the front of the unit with the buttons on was one piece, but also that all repairs are £250 regardless, to keep it fair!!! So £250 for a plastic button. I was so offended by Cyrus products that I refused to pay and they told me I had to pay return postage to the dealer, I told them to keep it...boy that felt good.
Later my top of the range Cyrus amp got hot and decided commit suicide. Due to the design using a shoebox shape, the output transistor had given up the ghost. It went back for repair. A few weeks later once again the amp turned off, blazing hot to the touch. The heat this time just triggered the overtemp sensor and poof. I hadn't even been pushing it that hard.
Result, sell the lot, I won't have Cyrus in the house again. Their customer service was snooty and the products fall well short of what I expect at that price. SO, why do What HiFi constantly praise them without mentioning their abysmal  reliability? The dealers I have spoken to confirm that they have a "frightening" number of Cyrus products back that have failed
Looks like they are willfully blind to and patently ignoring the wave of reliability issues with CYRUS, that are well-known . CYRUS has a huge base in the UK .They used to be built like a tank .... apparently not so anymore

Scope out the UK audio forum for the actual UK consumer takes on the common product failings


Here is a pair of samples:

"webster said: ↑

The Cyrus cdt appears to be highly thought of but there seems to be quite a few horror stories regarding reliability in general with Cyrus cd players and it is of course nearly 3 times the price of the CXC.
From the limited research I’ve done there doesn’t appear to be any direct competition at a similar price point.
I’ve had a few Cyrus CD players. Lovely sound but dogged with issues.

I’ve had so many failures with Cyrus stuff I’d never buy any of their products again...."
British? Owned by Persians.

Not much British stuff is made in Britain now, just labels. Cyrus are a company I would never deal with ever again.
Its a shame that a company can get new customers whilst the folk who have dealt with them could tell them a tale or two
Of all the audio publications available, What HiFi has always struck me as being very half-baked fluff, with no substance.   I would never use What HiFi to influence or justify a purchase.  The reviews are so poorly done, it makes you wonder if they even listened to the gear the review is based on.
Jaybe, I contacted What HiFi, guess what, no reply. Obviously they have an interest in promoting Cyrus and Marantz. I mean the advertisers rule don't they? It is almost an advert dressed up as a magazine. I flicked through one the other day, very thin, very bland, more like a comic for 5 year olds