who makes the best component video cables rca 1m

I'm looking for the best component video cables 1m for my sony xbr400 36' & toshiba sd 9200 dvd- is transparent, audioquest or tara labs ok??? looking for the best picture..
prices from $200-$500. thanks in advance....

best regards
Easy choice.
They make the best and they ONLY make one type of cable, and NONE of it comes off a spool that is also sold in Home Depo (or anywhere else for that matter).
Many of these cable companies claim to make the best digital/video, analog interconnects, speaker cables, ac cords, etc. Laughable, except for their ad campaigns.
Digital/video cables are all about specs. Analog cables and ac cords are another story.
Illumianti are so close to perfect, and so costly to produce, and terminate, that the odds of seeing any real competition for them any time soon is not very likely.
They start at $45 per terminated meter in single runs and are sold everywhere.

Worlds oldest & first Illuminati dealer (1992).
Before you buy any component video cable, you should try the Silver Serpent cable from BetterCables.com. It sells for $99 (shipping included), and it's an excellent component video cable. It comes with a 30-day trial period. I have one in my HT system, and highly recommend it. For more info, go to the Web site: www.bettercables.com
"Digital/Video cables are all about specs." ... from HelloSimplyMusic's comments, is totally right and totally wrong. Video cable performance can be objectively judged, but there is nothing objective about choosing which specs to pay attention to when anticipating video distortion. The world of high frequency cables is (for good reason) preoccupied with "loss." However, loss is a minor consideration in the short lengths employed in an A/V system. Distortion is what you see ... and simple test patterns make it plain as day what's right and what's wrong.

Illuminati D-60 is incredible, so I assume their other coaxs are also good. I use AudioQuest/CinemaQuest.
thank you so much.... for all the feed backs you gave me it did help....I'm trying to audition a transparent premium component cable 1m for $325.00 del... I let you guys know if I will see the difference.... thanks again..

best regards
I was using some Tributries Video cable and then worked fine, then I saw a guy that wired his house with AQ Video 2 and had 30 feet left over I bought and had it terminated, and the up grade was noticable, colors much more vivid.