Who makes a "true" Transmission Line speaker?...

Who makes a "true" Transmission Line speaker that displays some of the advantageous characteristics described in the previous threads regarding ported vs sealed vs TL? Does anyone make a true TL for under $10K? Who makes the best TL in your opinion and why?
TDL has been out of business for sometime now. John Wright, 1939-1999, was the head of the company. He previously worked with Bud Fried, when Fried had an interest in IMF loudspeakers.
Yes ! the bass of the TDL's are amazing.
" Poems of thunder ( Chinese Drums ) " sounds simply breathtaking. A good trait of the TDL's - the bass does not overpower the rest of the spectrum as you increase the volume. I own a Reference Studio Monitor 'M' which used to retail at about $7500. Sometimes they turn up here used & you can pick them up at great prices. Good luck with your search.
Dear TL enthusiast, contrary to Brians assertions, we at Buggtussel are not dead and buried, just daised at the loss of our shop and thus manufacturing abilities. As memory serves, Brian decided agains the Amygdala because I would not undersell a dealer and sell him the speakers below dealer cost. While I do utilize some rock music in the development of a speaker design, it is not our primary focus. The majority of our customers listen to classical and jazz music, where sonic quality also counts. To expect the Amygdala to outperform the TDL Monitor below 40 Hz is foolhardy at best, Brian.
Your memory does not serve you well Kevin. First off, forgive me for saying you are out of business, I was just repeating what I have been told by several people locally; and seeing one of your main employees working at the local stereo shop seemed to validate this.

Back to your memory, I didn't chose your speakers because of exactly what I said above. If I would of been totally convinced of them I would of purchased them. Furthermore, I never asked you to undercut anyone; the speakers you offered were some of your blemished speakers, which you gave a modest discount for.

As for Foolhardy, Kevin, did I ever say anything about the Amyg's versus TDL's? No.
Kevin: Having spoken to Brian on more than a few occassions, i don't think that it was his intention to spread rumours or attack Buggtussel's reputation in the least. Brian is a very polite and conscientious individual to say the least. I'm quite certain that he was only sharing his own personal experience with the speakers based on the interaction with his components in his room & system. As to his comments about Buggtussel being out of business, his assumptions would seem logical if one lived locally i.e. the production facility is no longer where it was and former employees are working elsewhere, etc... As such, while i'm glad that you are still with us, and i would venture to say that Brian is too, there's no need to get hostile. Your post more than cleared the air about any misconceptions.

As far as the TDL's go, Brian never mentioned them at all. As such, it was not he that drew any conclusions or made any comparisons between them. You might want to re-read his posts and those of a few others to address the individuals that made such comments. Sean