Who is Nick Doshi?

Several posters here have listed custom designs by Nick Doshi as being the best amps and preamps they have ever heard -- including the phono stage within the preamp.

However, I've never heard of Nick Doshi, and Google turns up nothing. Evidently he's an exremely private designer!

What's the deal?

Larry has graciously agreed to function as newbie for all existing owners. He does come out to the east quite often and if I can convince him that he is actually driving in europe, might agree to drive up to you since gasoline will amazingly have become affordable again.

:) Nick, if he can get as far as Doug's I'll gladly drive down and meet him half way. I'm assuming Larry would be coming from NYC or NJ.
Would be great to hear his phonostage or full func. pre in my system. If anyone in or near SoCal has his gear, let me know. I would be grateful for the opportunty to hear it.

I can travel certainly, but no matter where I hear his gear there is no way to translate what I hear to how it will sound in my system.

Too bad no demo pieces are available from the good St. Doshi :^(
Patience, Realrookie. It just might work out. Are you anywhere near Surf City? I could be persuaded to carry mine (once they're delivered) over to the left coast. But it would be coming home with me. :)
So maybe a US Sonic Summer Tour - eh - with a possible stop in the upper midwest? You could visit Pargon/Michigan then swing over across the lake as you wend your way leftwards. I'd love to compare the Doshi pre to my ACT2/Xono combo. With luck my 320 upgrade will be here by then. I'll even supply the goldfish (but it might be walleye instead.) heh.