Who has tried Virtual Dynamics cables?

I recently purchased the Signature line of Virtual Dynamics cables (power, speaker, and interconnects) to replace Transparent Reference speaker, Nordost Quatro Fil interconnects, and Shunyata Powersnake Viper V1 and V2 power cords. I found a significant improvement in clarity, detail, lower background noise, tighter bass, and a greater sense of being there. The improvements were so significant, I took my Shunyata Hydra out of the system. Obviously, I probably should have replaced one set of cables at a time so that I could evaluate one change at a time. However, Rick at Virtual Dynamics indicated the cables work together better and, of course, I couldn't wait to hear them. Has anyone tried them as a complete set?
Hi Erik, sorry to hear they didn't work out, which cords did you swap out for the Power 3s?

I'll be receiving the cryo'd Audition Package soon and am a bit nervous because if I don't like it, I've already sold all my speaker cables and will need to buy a new set. Presently, I have no music at all!
what cables in general do you use? I find the VD power cords can interact with the rest of the cables in a positive or sometimes not so positive way.
Since I listend to the VD power cords with almost 50 brands of different interconnects and speaker cables, I have some experience I could share, if I knew the rest of your cables.
The VD cables replaced the stock cables from the Krell and CJ - my Rotel 971 has the cable attached so that cable replacement is 'after' the warranty is up. Other cables in my system are Straight Wire Rhapsody II IC's and some very nice 10' Rhapsody II Bi-wire speaker cables thanks to a fellow A.G. member sale.

Perhaps it is me - I guess some people like very warm mellow sounds but I like articulate music at volume - lots of organ and big symphonic stuff. For example - the bass drum slams on the Firebird suite used to penetrate right through you with the stock PC's but now they timidly find thier way out of the speaker cabinets. Even my S.I. - after hearing me rave about the VD cables for two weeks said she was surprised that the sound just "wasn't 'there' anymore - kind of cloudy and not as brilliant as before"

Just wanted to pitch in with my results on the V.D. cords.

I recently replaced my Custom Power Model 11 with the V.D. "Audition" on my amp. After thorough break in, a DEFINATE improvement, in all areas. Especially notice a more "relaxed", and fluid presentation, with a much better defined (& w-i-d-e-r) soundstage.

Next, just for "grins", I replaced my Silver Audio Power Burst with the V.D. "Power 3" cord, on my PS P300. Didn't really expect much here, but again, same type of improvements -- blacker background, even further reducing the "strain" and glare, leaving a more relaxed, easier to listen to presenation. All with NO loss of detail or "rounding off" of the highs. All from a $50.oo cable!!

This guy Rick must be doing something right, and at his "promotional" prices he's got going right now, I would urge anyone & evryone to give 'em a try, before these cables inevitably "catch on", and he wisely raises his prices.

I guess as mentioned abaove, system synergy has a lot to due with it. I know I'M completely sold.

If I am not mistaken, Power 3 is a 16 gauge conductor with 14 gauge connects. That is too small for your krell and cj that are high current capacity components. Most stock cords are 14 gauge. You are better off with stock 14 than 16 gauge aftermarket cords.

If you are not looking for a more refined sound but more kick in your system, go find some large gauge power cable. Mapleshade and PS Audio will work well in this regard. And, if you are not too turned off by the Power 3, try the Power 2 or Audition.