Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.

Hello All,
I’m coming up on 40 yrs in this hobby,and or obsession of ours,and I started with a pair of Khorns and Macintosh at the age of 12 and Offcourse owned a ton of different gear over the yrs.
I bought a 2170 a little more than 6 months ago and I enjoyed it so much that I quickly realized I don’t really need anything else,solid state,tubes,or even dac’s anymore.I could step off that silly merry go round of amplification and just enjoy music.I was able to utilize the extra money and time and put together a really great sounding network audio system that rivaled the best in analog that I have ever had,I was mainly a analog guy all of these yrs but finally gave it up,I even sold my longtime record collection of 3k records which included many Hot Stampers that I purchased and also several that I found on my own.

So who Luv’s the 2170 and is maybe also thinking about the new 3400.

Happy Listening,


Showing 32 responses by kdude66

Find your way to the rp Status screen.You should see a room knowledge % number of mic positions and also rp correction %.

I usually use default or 30 and I have experimented higher too,
I don’t think it really matters as long as you are close.

Somebody else may have a different take then me though and I always try to be as open minded as possible.

My name is Kenny and I haven’t used the I7 in quite a few months,in fact I sold it about 5wks ago,I probably overwhelmed you with my jabbering.

Anyway It’s all about the sound and whatever works the best for you,and I’m damn proud of you for trying different stuff,that’s the only way to know for sure.

IfI the winner,That’s odd to me,but I still respect your decision regardless.

Happy Listening,
I’ve used my 2170 in 8 completely different systems not belonging to me and with 98% room knowledge I’ve seen rp correction from 
9% to 48%.

In my present system with the double bass speakers I have 12%.

There’s no magic # and after you get more time on your unit you may want to experiment with some different mic positions and crossover settings or not.

I also demand that you keep us updated because of all the questions that I answered for you,mofojo.🤪.

I’m really glad you are digging it,
Yes,you can adjust the analog outputs after rp,as long as it’s not much,it shouldn’t effect rp at all.

If you think that it does you can always run rp again or you could use the “second set of speakers” and run rp and story the settings and compare.

You also can run different focus positions only and store them and than you can compare.

Very versatile all in one box unit.

I’m so glad you finally get to try that new black box that as one guy told me it looks like a big clock radio.

It probably only will get even better with some hrs on it.

Enjoy my friend,
No not going to start a thread on the db’s,there’s only 4to5 pairs that have been shipped to America.Lawrence mostly sales and markets to Europe and Asia.

I sent you a pm,

”The tonality is spot on with the 2170. Never thin or lightweight ...... sounding  ....... Never. It is slightly warm with excellent bloom and meat on the bones. After room correction everything just falls into place and you never will think about amps, dacs, and preamps anymore. Once dialed in with a Room Correction and proper burn in all is unfussy bliss. ”

I couldn’t really put it into words any better than this,and
If you are Listening to a quality recording that has good quality “Instrumental” tonal weight the 2170 will convey it in a very realistic way.

Without writing a huge highly technical novel,
I can say that without question,the better you feed the 2170 upstream of it’s analog or digital inputs the better it will respond.
Always keep in mind that the conversion to PWM is actually a simple non destructive conversion and Lyngdorf’s Implementation is simply brilliant and works extremely well.

Also remember the 2170 does the final clocking to the digital signal,
and even though I’ve experimented with lots of combinations I don’t stress about it.

I simply enjoy it for what it does,and it does it’s thing quite well for sure,and I don’t worry thinking I’m missing anything.

I’ve owned mine for 7 months now,and I don’t even look at or think about any other amps or dac’s.

Glad to read your first impression of the new 3400,Please let us know more as you have more time with it.

I agree with that if you are using most modern designs but several vintage speakers were designed to be placed close to the wall behind them and that would include Cornwall’s that I experimented with in a very small room.

I believe your correct that most speakers will lift the bass and some mid bass some 3 to 6 db and most definitely would require tremendously more RP correction.Those Cornwall’s required almost 50% correction in that small room but totally transformed their sound to actually something I would call listenable and good but certainly not great.

From my experience with the 2170,I like to optimize my system in every way possible,especially speaker position,before I run a RP setup.

Yes to some small degree some pwr will be saved from less bass response needed theoretically.

I don’t worry about it the 2170 has plenty of pwr for me,with no signs of straining at the levels I normally listen too.

Looks like the 2170 has had some issues with the relay that is on the volume control that effects manual operation but works just fine with remote.
My 2170 is almost 10 months old and I haven’t had any trouble luckily,I don’t know if my relay is a different and or better part than some earlier ones.

Most gear is built to a particular price point and most of the time the manufacturers use some cheaper parts in some areas and spend more of their overall parts budgets other places.

I will have to look at my relay and see exactly what it is,but I think if mine goes bad I will replace it myself and find a better relay if possible.

The 3400 Probably has some better parts than the 2170 adressing some of their known issues.

I will look at the relay one of these days,this is why I have always kept 2 complete systems,because of the nature of electronics,but for a amp backup all I have is a Octave audio tube integrated and I would have to use a Oppo with its built in Dac.😩.

Anyway,without the blessings from Terry London,I’m presently modding my Silverline Boleros with better caps on the Esotar tweeters,Duelund internal wire and more and better damping material,Eaisest speakers that I’ve ever worked on for sure.😃.

Since we are discussing the known issues that the 2170 has,I have heard from 2 other long term owners that they have a issue with the pwr switch on the back outboard of the pwr iec input.They have reported electrical arcing noises when using that switch at various times.

I never use that switch myself I just leave it switched on and if I take the 2170 out of my system I simply unplug it.I’ve seen several amps over the yrs that have done this,including Accuphase that I owned.

When I get around to modding my 2170,I’m going to wire the switch completely out of the circuit and add a better quality iec connector and may add a standard fuse holder to try out a tuning fuse of some kind.

Cool going for a 3400,and let us know how you like it.

Would you know exactly how old your 2170 is,Lyngdorf does put a date of manufacturer on the board if you have ever had the top open.

You might give Tony Barnette a call,he’s the owner of Ellington HiFi in Alabama.He May be able to get you one the quickest.

I think the 3400 comes with a roll of 3/4 black tape to help hide the front connectors if not used.

“I think with CD use dwindling, people will take a USB drive with music on it to a friend's house to play, so a front port makes good sense.”And also a thumb drive to would be handy.

You silly guys,you know you want a 3400,I know I do.

“The latter of course is a lot more expensive so it needs to perform exceptionally well.”

I couldn’t agree more,the only preliminary reports that I have gotten from actual owners of new 3400’s sound quite promising in comparison to their previous 2170’s as far as only comparisons in sonics but also keep in mind they don’t have anywhere near 500 hrs,and I would like to think the 3400 needs the same break in time that the 2170 does.

I’m not going to try one myself for a couple of months,to many outside spring projects right now,but when I do I will definitely give the good,bad,or ugly on it.

I would say that the 2170 and probably the 3400 need around 250 hrs to be at their very best,mainly related to the wonderful soundstage that they can deliver being truthful to the individual recordings.


That’s some really good customer service on Lyngdorf’s part In sending you what you need to fix your display.
Please keep us updated on how it all works out.


I wish you also the best of luck with the micromega and do let us know what you think.

The micromega is a interesting class d Intergrated that has a high quality built in dac that will accept high resolution digital and it looks to be a really solid build quality.If I ever get the chance to hear one I definitely will.

As Time moves fwd I definitely think we will see more of these one box wonders that are highly musical and functional and not just “Lifestyle components” that have the higher WAF.

I always go where my ears take me but sometimes my wallet doesn’t back that up either.

I would like to talk about USB cables a little,now I know this subject is highly subjective and controversial and if I didn’t try some different ones in my system,I wouldn’t have found the perfect match in Synergy for my system.

I didn’t think in the beginning that a Digital cable would make any difference at all but I’m a firm believer now and after trying several in my system and there again for my preference in sonics I have found a couple of cables that present themselves in a natural pleasing manner and the icing on the cake is they won’t hurt your wallet to bad.

I was lucky and got to borrow a few of the more expensive so called high end ones,such as wireworld and synergistic research,but I found these cables to be quite brite sounding and really exaggerate the leading and trailing edges of notes with none or very little bloom to the sound.
I ended up buying one of the phasure lush cables and I have been comparing this cable with a custom made cable that grannyring is making and perfecting over several months of careful listening comparisons.

I do believe that they both compare quite closely and I could easily live with either one and I have no desire to try anything else at this point.

I usually do these cable comparisons by leaving a cable in my system for a wk or two and listen to all kinds of music,then I will swap and do the same and make my decision based on how well a cable balances out several different recordings in sonics and there again It’s all about overall system synergy and individual sonic preferences.


You made a good decision and I think those grannyring cables will give you the sound you want.But as you know only one way to find out and let us know how they work out.

I’ve used the Shunyata venom and for me it was only ever so slightly better than a standard cheap usb cable in all sonic quality’s,no experience with the gemini though.

And you said you can’t keep up with me.
Peter Pan is the upgrading man.

I found that the Gr usb cables only need about 100 hrs or slightly less to be at their best,so keep them playing and us updated.

You just have to use what sounds best in your system,I’ve run into a few Europeans that like Bypass mode with no correction at all.

It’s a good thing that the Lyngdorf products allow this IMO.


Ellington HiFi is listed on the Lyngdorf’s dealer page and was also recommended to me by a couple of long distance Audiogon friends.
I live in Oklahoma but if I’m ever down south I wouldn’t hesitate to visit Tony and listen to some music and I agree he’s one of the very best dealers I’ve ever done business with.


Yes that is some outstanding service,please keep us updated on the fix.


I’m glad to read you have your 2170 back from service,looks like Lyngdorf took great care of you and you received your prized component back in a timely manner.I’ll beat you we’re missing it.


I’ve only used the rca inputs of the 2170 only briefly so I have no idea about the Xlr.I only use 3 different Digital inputs for my sources.

It might be your wireworld cable,the cables that I’ve used from them before were quite bright and fatiguing.

Hello David,

I’m glad you are enjoying your 3400 and Thanks for the update, I’ve been coresponding via email with 4 guys in Europe that are really enjoying their 3400’s as well and they all have replaced 2170’s as well.

Keep us updated as you get your setup dialed in and have more time with it.


I tried 2 different dac’s into my 2170 in the beginning and I got much better results using the digital inputs on the 2170,as others have stated.
I use usb input from a Sotm ultra renderer that’s hooked up via Ethernet in my local network.To me That’s one of the many pluses of using a 2170 or 3400 is not needing or wanting any other Preamp,Amp,or dac.

I’ve recently been able to borrow a couple of top music servers,Lumin U1 and Aurrender W20 to compare to my highly tweaked computer running server 2016,Roon server,Audiophile optimizer,Fidelizer,and most importantly HQ player,the results were even though both of these servers are quite nice and very easy to use neither one beat the sound I’m already getting from my computer especially with all the tweaks in upsampling and filtering that HQ player have.

If you have more questions give me call sometime,

HQ player is the best software player and incorporates with Roon as my Library database and also Tidal.
HQ player has the best upsampling and filtering options of any other player including Roon 1.5 and would Probably beat and or rival any hardware upsampling that any Dac uses including playback designs and denefips.

Greatly simplifies my system and not chasing the Dac dragon anymore and having to stimulate the industry with my coins.

HQ player is also greatly supported and upgrades are free to your bought software and is very stable along with Roon.

I’ve never used Audirvana,that’s generally for macs.
