Which way to go to built a music server??

Hi Guys,

may I ask you for your opinions on how to best set up a music server? I am currently exploring a few different ways and anyone of them does have its weaknesses.
Obviously I have yo get a DAC which is fact. I am looking into a few and at the end it is a matter of how much money I want to spend. The main issue is how to feed the DAC! All my files are Apple Lossless.
I use Martin Logan Odyssey speaker, Krell FPB 450 monos, a KCT pre-amp all with Crystal cables.

The ways I am thinking of are:

1) Use Apple Airport express and connect APExpress via Toslink cable (with mini jack adapter on one end) to the DAC to get the digital signal into the DAC. Would be the cheapest because I do have the cable, the APExpress and an iPod touch to control iTunes via remote on the WiFi network.

2) Use Squeezebox Duett and get the digital signal also wirelessly from the Server and feed into DAC via interconnect (RCA or XLR etc). Digital files is coming in via WiFi and there might be some disturbance especially during rainy days and thunderstorms.

3) Get a SlimDevice Transporter which is a DAC and a Squeezebox in one unit. (I have to buy in US no one carries in Singapore as far as I know). Saves me to buy the DAC and the Squeezebox but in case of any warranty issue I face problems. Still the signal travels via WiFi....

4) Get the Wadia i170 dock and get the digital signal out of my 160 GB iPod Classic into the DAC via interconnects. Safe way to get the digital signal transferred to the DAC but choosing songs is not so easy because I cannot see the small iPod display from my listening position. Even a small monitor does not help because Wadia transport does not transmit the UI to the monitor.

5) Get an iMac (is cheaper than the Mac mini with display) place it on the rack (I do have the space) and use the iMac as a server. Via front row I can choose songs and browse the library. The DAC will be connected via USB to the iMac 20" and the digital files are streamed into the DAC. This is a more expansive solution but solves most of the issues. I can watch TV series from iTunes store, browse the iTunes library (and see everything also from a distance) and feed the DAC directly via a cable.

Now the question is what is the best way for the sound? I could not find much info in regards to USB connections? I am in favour of solution 5 with the iMac due to its versatility (can use the iMac also for other things when not streaming music)

-Are there improved USB cables available or only the of the shelves ones?
-Is a USB connection better than an optical or RCA connection for the digital signal?
-does the wireless streaming of a digital signal has any impact on the final sound?
-Should I pump more money into the DAC or into the server (iMac or Transporter or Squeezebox)?

Finally I am keen to hear your opinions about the DAC's I am looking at and how they would rate with the above in mind:

Cambridge DacMagic

Wadia 521 (no USB port - means have to use Toslink cable with mini-jack adapter to get the digital signal - but that connection could spoil the sound of which the Wadia should be capable of and renders the higher investment useless compare to a cheaper USB DAC)

Aprilmusic Stello DA 200MKII

Benchmark DAC 1 USB

Slim Device Transporter

Thanks for your comments and helping me to reduce my confusion.

Best regards


thanks all of you for the detailed replies! Love this forum....

For time being I am auditioning an Aqvox DAC. Have connected my MacPro via USB cable to the DAC and control the set -up with the Apple remote control via Front Row.

Compared to Airport Express and it is a huge difference in sound especially the sound stage and clarity is better via USB connection. May be it is also due to the fact that I can only get the digital signal out of the AirportExpress with a Tosling-minijack adapter cable.

In terms of comparing wireless and wired data transmission - I now guess that a direct connection via cable is better. On USB the computer sends packets of data which are "unpacked" at the receiving end (DAC). For wireless the data is transformed/encrypted which means additional "handling" of the bits. Whether this really effects sound - I am not so sure - because if bits and bytes are effected then also any file send via wireless should have some losses (means grainy pictures, missing letters in emails and so on). I believe the main problem is the WiFi Network strength and the Tosling cable with minijack adapter. Had quite ba number of drop outs yesterday due to a thunderstorm. If heavy rain or thunderstorm my WiFi is badly effected. With sunshine no drop out at all.

Thanks also for the hint on the cable for the USB - but I do not subscribe to that in terms of sound. Good connectors and may be a shielding are good to protect the signal from loosing bits and parts of the packets. But the influence on sound (coloration) I really doubt that. I checked another thread on Audiogon regarding the USB cable issue and most are stating no difference at all. One guy even wrote a hilarious satirical post about his Wonder USB cable.

Fact is I will not use wireless which means I have to choose my DAC carefully and then decide whether I shall go for a Mac Mini (thanks for the tip with the screen sharing) or the iMac.

I looked at Chord (QBD 76) a beautiful DAC with USB port but at 5 times the price of the Aqvox (same league as Benchmark, Lavry...). Shall try to audition that one as well and find out whether it can be 5 times better in sound ;-)



If you read carefully most everyone who says USB cables don't have an impact on sound haven't heard one, they are just going on theory, which is really stupid. There aren't very many available yet which is why we aren't able to discuss openly what they do and don't do. From the guys I've talked to as well as myself who have actually compared them the consensus is they do have a big impact on the sound

got the point and I shall try it myself in my system. Just to find a good USB cable here in Singapore that might be a challenge.


It is my understanding that USB cables going from an external hardrive(where i have my WAV files stored) into my PC do not make a difference. I am using a pretty high end sound card with a break out box that has a built in DAC. Is this a correct assumption, or should i be auditioning USB cables for this application to improve sonics? I am a firm believer in cables making a significant improvement but when it comes to USB cables there seems to be a large controversy. I have read nothing about USB cables improving sound quality for the application i am mentioning here but if anyone can tell me otherwise i am all ears. Thanks
I've recently purchased a mac mini and find myself in the same boat as yourself.
There is a sixth way, Active monitors and a mac/pc with either usb or toshlink connection. Apparently a combo of mac mini and avi 9.1 + sub will demolish all systems under $10000. Very favourable ratings from users.

Here's a decent site with lots of info reference server configurations, systems and software:

As for the chord qbd 76, I heard it at a show recently, via its wireless bluetooth connection. Seriously impressive.
i'm trying to audition this at home against a weiss and arc dac7. and will get a pair of 9.1's for comparison too.

