Which speakers did you find bright, fatiguing or just disappointing in some way?

OK, controversial subject but it needs asked. I'm curious for your experiences, mainly in your home, not a dealer and esp. not a show demo
Wow I can't believe the negative crap I hear. Most of the speakers that were mentioned are pretty darn good. I do agree some of the speakers that was mentioned cost wise is simply insane but if you are fortunate enough to buy that particular set of speakers go for it. 
Wow I can’t believe the negative crap I hear. Most of the speakers that were mentioned are pretty darn good.
Most people dont know and dont understand that it is the acoustic that create the Sound quality on par and sometimes more than the electronic design....

Very few people has lived a complete transformation of S.Q. coming from speakers embedded in a rightful way in the right acoustical setting....

Simple.... They " magically" attribute sound to the speakers.... 😁

Saying that  speakers X is "bright" make no sense most of the times save for very few small bad designed box....

They would better think about the huge impact of the  acoustical setting of the room, the vibrations affecting their speakers and the noise floor of the house electrical grid....
Wilson Watt/Puppys.
Not musical at all but more of a science experiment to see how much detail one can generate.
Tried the Watt 3, 5, etc. Way too analytical like nails on a chalkboard.
Various high end solid state and tube amps and cables. Even the lushest CJ gear sounded hard.
But my wife loved the looks. And they were an easy sell due to the glowing magazine reviews.

PS the Avalon Acurus and Eggleston Andra were similar to Watt just not quite so much of it. Tried many amps large and small, tube and ss and always result was hard and detailed sound, never felt like listening to the music. They delighted the new owner.
A lot of the speakers that have very fast impulse response sound harsh or bright with less than stellar electronics. Digital is especially tough on those drivers. I have been in the High end sales arena and most of the problems were people putting average electronics on extremely revealing speakers. I also have noted that the popular metal dome tweeters that are maligned used foam internal damping which breaks down and makes them sound horrible when that happens. I have seen 5 yr old tweeters rendered horrid by the foam degradation and anything over 10 yrs old has to be replaced. I shot several videos of the D25 and D26ag tweeters internals being bad.