Which pre-amp for the VAC 30/30

Hi, I have a VAC 30/30 amp and spoke with Kevin Hayes of VAC regarding the compatibility of the VAC 30/30 with my existing pre-amps, CAT MK III, Audible Illusion and the VAC Vintage Pre-amp. He indicated the 30/30 are input sensitive, and many pre-amps are not compatible, with the CAT and the Audible Illusion pre-amp there would be too much "tube noise" even with the VAC Vintage modifications would have to be performed at the factory.
Please owners of 30/30 please advise which pre-amp is a good combination. Thanks.
I used the VAC 30/30 Mk. III with a BAT VK-5i and had no hum problems whatsoever. Proved to be very nice sounding combination.
The Herron preamp is dead quiet and great sounding with very good output/input impedance specs. Should be a good match with amps like Art Audio Jota or the VAC 30/30.