Which Multi-Channel Amp?

I'm setting up a 7.1 system with Totem Tribe in-wall speakers/subs and a Marantz AV7005 as the preamp/processor. I'm trying to decide which multi-channel power amp to get. I've heard the Marantz MM7055/MM7025 combo that's designed to match with the AV7005, but was not impressed. I thought the Arcam AVR400 receiver sounded better. I was told that the Arcam AVR400 is buggy with its HDMI and other processor issues. Here are some of the amps I'm considering, in no particular order:

1. Arcam P1000
2. Cary Cinema 7 (older version, btw, does anyone know if the newer Cary Model 7.125 is that much better?)
3. NAD T975
4. NAD M25
5. Anthem PVA7

Any other amps in the $1000-2000 range (used or new) I should consider that would pair well with the Marantz AV7005 and Totem?

BTW, anyone with experience with both the Anthem PVA7 and the NAD T175 amps? How do they compare? I read a lot of decent reviews on both, wondering if one is better than the other.
I have the same question. I have a Cary 7b 7 channel amp which serves double duty for stereo and home theater. I like it, but am wondering if there is another amp, and I only need 5 channels which would give me better 2 channel sound. I have been considering the Cary Cinema 5 which I think is discontinued but am open to all suggestions.
Toddkamber, how's the Cary 7b in 2 channel setting? Have you had a chance to compare it with other amps before you bought it?
I have Sonics Allegretto two way floor standing speakers. Before the Cary, I tried a PS Audio HCA modded by Cullen and a B&K 5 channel amp. It sounded good with PS Audio, but I like the Cary better. The B&K sounded grainy. The speakers sound somewhat treble heavy in my listening room, so I need a warmer sounding amp which is why I have the Cary.

I was wondering if anyone has compared the Cary 7b to the Cinema 5 which has twice the power and in made in the USA or any other 5 channel amp. I am not unhappy with the Cary, but considering upgrading at some point.
Isn't Cary Cinema 7 made in USA? Or in China like everything else? I've been looking at a Cinema 7, the non "b" version. Are you using the balanced inputs? Are balanced inputs really better than the regular RCA inputs on the Cary? I heard on Arcam P1000 for example, even though it has balanced inputs, it's not a true balanced design.