Which Integrated?

I'm looking for a good quality, 'higher end', integrated amp. I am sick of using cheaper components (READ:nakamichi receiver) that make everything sound soooooo glaringly digital and fatiguing. High end separates are too expensive for me, but I would like to get into that type of higher end sound.

I will be spending about $1200 USD (give or take). So far, I have read about the Unison Research Unico (nice) and the Moon i-3.

I currently run nht 2.5i speakers (which i will be selling in order to downsize - I find they are too big for my room)

Any suggestions? Any comments from users of the aforementioned equipment?


The Classe integrateds are worth consideration..esp at used prices here on AudiogoN.
If you're going to change speakers I think you are going about this wrong. Find the speakers you want and then find a suitable amp to drive them. Trying to do the opposite is more difficult and more likely to result in a mistake.
Actually, despite the fact that it is likely that i will sell my NHT 2.5i's , i still have a pair of NHT 1.3a's that i will use. They are enough for my room. I know their sound and i know their deficiencies. So, selecting an amp based on their sound should not be a problem.

I will use them as a reference and i will work from there. I only have funds right now for one toy at a time (READ: HQ integrated)

I am sick of using cheap Nakamichi a/v receiver... I want a good base piece.

If i buy the speakers first, I will be stuck in the same situation - my weak link will still be the Nakamichi.

Although some might disagree, NHT speakers can sound DAMN GOOD with the proper equipment.

I just don't want to go 'all tube'.

Thanks again everyone.

by the way...

I don't really want to buy anything from online...I'm VERY VERY skeptical when it comes to online purchase...i have heard horror stories.

Steve, I'm sure your reservations are well founded and to each is own. Having said that, I've bought tons of used gear on A'gon and haven't had a single bad experience. Nothing is completely safe, but for the used market this site is the best!