Which came first, the chicken or the egg

Where do you start? Building HT system (Budget $50K New discounted or used). Just finished ASC's WALL DAMP SYSTEM. Now need quality built and sounding electronics. Something recognized by audiophiles (just in case I turn into a junkie and want to dump it in a few months without getting killed, or laughted at). Value priced and not obsolete before its broken in. Tube or transistor but would like 7.1 capabilities. 75% home theater, 25% good stereo listening.
JUMP IN ! Put a system together and be ready to defend your picks to your death, or yield to someone more experienced and knowledgable.(I've read some of the posts, it can get nasty). You have been challenged.... who's first?
And you forgot to specify what the 7 mono blocks are (that you have already purchsed). Whatjd just pointed out some "major" discrepancies in your two threads (very obvious ones indeed) and left an apology in the case that their was a reasonable explanation for them. So in reality, you don't actually own anything and other than the TV (which you don't yet have poseesion of). Perhaps then this is the real start of the thread.
Thanks Jthunders,I read some of his other posts and he's not worth wasting a reply on. But maybe Audiogon should think about changing their name to say....Snake pit or.... Hen house so "newbies" could avoid wasting any time.
Could someone please post the rules of engagement. I guess its ok to take a cheap shot as long as you follow it up with "if I'm wrong (but I've never been wrong in my life) I'm sorry.
Do you miserably little whiners hold hands when your not writing stupid posts, that have nothing to do with the questions? And... oh..... if I'm wrong, I'm sorry.
I have no explanation to give you. Ordinarily the membership is all but helpful, including all above, and there is no real bias against HT. You've read some other threads I'm sure, it's ordinarily pretty tame.

The Carl thing is a special case but it's just local politics I invite you to ignore. Carl has recently been banned and is intent on trying to martyrize himself. He and his stooge started a thread "attention members" as part of the official martyrizing canpaign, but it backfired because Carl doesn't know when to stop. Carl really loves this place but Carl has terrible judgment and an abrasive personality, as you have just seen, and has been asked to leave. Right now It's sorta like trying to get a bad genie back in the bottle. The closer you get to finally putting the stopper back in, the greater the outburts from whoever is going back in.
Leafs, it is probably better that you wait a while longer before jumping into the higher end of home theater/2channel because the better manufacturers are only beginning to catch up with the newest surround formats that Denon already accomodated in their AVR-5800. I heartily recommend a REL sub, as it can be set up for reciving both the speaker out direct, or the .1 subwoofer out. This alows precise set up for stereo listening and 5.1 audio. At their website (www.rel.net) there is a review of the Strata II by Robert Harley that is worth reading, the same can be said of the Strata III or the Stadium series. Also,you really should try to have all your speakers from the same manufacturer for 5, or 6. I am in the process of switching to Musical Fidelity gear and find it to be a worthy challenger to some very good analogue systems. BLOB..., that is kind of a "medium" sized room you are working with and you can probably be satisfied with a 200 Watt per channel Classe` or Theta amp. I don't think you need a monster 400 watt per channel amp. You could probably use the Conrad Johnson or Musical Fidelity 120 per channel amps to great satisfaction, but if budget permits the former are probably best. The JM Labs are very "amp sensitive" , and really need to be well matched. I have heard them sound dull and uninvolving with Krell amplification and absolutely gorgeous with Lamm monoblocks. They are one of many very good choices, but my first choice would have been the whole Aeriel set up. When you say you are closing a deal, but can get out of it if you change your mind, I have no problem with that at all. Sounds like your on the way to a great system. Good luck.