Which Beethoven's symphony do you like the best?

And Why?

I have asked this question to many. The answer is always inconclusive. So I think I will try this here. Thank you in advance for responding.

Also, it would be interesting to know which composition do you like the best?
For symphony, and for myself, any Beethoven is better than Mozart. It is not a fair comparison, because Mozart probably never hear the last few ones by Beethoven. Mozart did many beatiful music. But as far as symphony or piano sonata, IMHO Mozart did not get to the same level as B's. My friend, a Mozart fan and entry level classical lover, once told me that the reason Beethoven's are famous is because he wrote more symphony than Mozart. He did not know that there are >40 pieces done by Mozart. He can recall many Beethoven's work and never really remember Mozart more than one. That's a Mozart fan! I agree that Beethoven is more "innovative", every piece sounds so different and you remember them individually so clear even you are not a classical fan. Beethoven's music has strong love, hate, toughness, peace .... inside. Mozart never touches me in the way Beethoven does. Those strong feeling can easily be picked up by beginnier. Many love them even more after getting ages. Many (or I should say most) conductors picked 9th as their last performance as they retired. His symphony moved more people than others. Check this thread, and you know the ratio.
Interesting Bluefin that you would put Beethoven's piano sonatas and I would guess concertos as well, above Mozart's? Interesting indeed.
Eldartford, you should learn that Mozart was not the only who composed wonderful music. Who was the best, Beethoven or Mozart? I think nobody should argue about that, for me, they both are at the very top (alongside the great Joahnn Sebastian). Regards.
I will not criticize(in the larger sense of the term)any symphonies in this post but point out my subjective opinions.

Beethoven's best work was his last five string quartets.

Mozart's best work was his Vienna era piano concertos.

Bach's best work was The Musical Offering and The Art of Fugue.

Just my three cents,up a penny from two cents.
Having 15 complete cycle recordings and attended (Carnegie Hall, New York) 2 complete cycle performances of Beethoven’s symphonies, I am still amazed by every single note in his symphonies he wrote more than 170 years ago. Yes, Mozart is great. No one will confront that fact. Has anyone disputed Bach’s greatness? Beethoven’s symphonies being “overplayed” or “overrated” is not related to the qualities of these symphonies themselves, it is a consensus issue. As a statistician myself, how can I question the choices of billions of people in the past 170 years? Bruckner’s and Mahler’s symphonies are being heard in my life more recurrently than Beethoven’s but I still deeply admire Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, op. 125. IT IS IMMORTAL, in my very humble opinion. It comforts wounded souls, projects the Utopia where we human beings finally can live peacefully. So we can cease debating the greatness of Mozart and Beethoven

Also 2nd movement of Symphony No.3, 4th movement of Symphony No. 4, 1st movement of Symphony No.5, 2nd movement of Symphony No.6, 4th movement of Symphony No. 7 and 1st movement of Symphony No. 8 are my favorite fragments of these symphonies if I have the courage to separate them from whole compositions.

Happy Listening.
