Which amp/preamp/integrated for GoldenEar Triton 5's

I just purchased a pair of GoldenEar Triton 5's. I have an old Adcom amp GFA-545, but the Adcom preamp that went with it soudns muddy on one channel. Tried to get it fixed but it's still not right, so I either need a new preamp, or a new integrated. Found a great deal on Peachtree's 220SE, but am weighing that against buying something like the Parasound P5 preamp and keeping my Adcom going. Any advice much appreciated, and doesnt have to stay with those 2 choices, but my budget can't extend past $1500, and I'd prefer if it stayed closer to $1k. Thanks for your thoughts....
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Krell KAV-400xi is an excellent choice too.  I see them in the $1250 - $1500 range pretty frequently...  :-)
Thanks again everyone for the recommendations. I ordered the Peachtree 220SE b-spec because it seemed to check all the boxes I was looking for at a very reasonable price (and a few of you also seemed to like it). It's been hooked up for a few days and sounds great. At 220 watts per channel, though, I cant wind the volume up past halfway, and I'm wondering about whether its more power than I actually need..... Also feeling like something is missing on the bottom end of the Triton 5's, which makes me curious about adding a sub. Or should I wait for them to "burn in"?
Buying this has been a pretty difficult decision. I feel as lost as when I'm buying wine, since there are so many brands, so many different opinions, and hardly anywhere to go listen and compare. Thanks for your input though; much appreciated.
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Glad you like the 220se.  Mine has started sounding better now after burning in for a week or so now.  I have some small Monitor GX50's that are a little inefficient and need alot of power to open up; the Peachtree 220se does a great job of adding a good amount of dynamics even at low listening levels.  I usually listen with the volume knob between 8-9 on the dial.  10 o'clock is pretty loud, 12 o'clock might shoot voicecoils into my lap :)

I think you'd be happy with the reaultsof adding a subwoof to fill in the lower octaves.  Thats going to be my next step as well. Something from Svs or Rel!