Where R U?????

All us regulars are familiar with the “Who R U” thread started by my buddy David. I met my first local audiophile friend last weekend, their aren’t many of us up here, and we have similar taste in music, and gear for that matter too! David is also ‘close’ to me(about 2-3 hour drive) other then that there is NO one, perhaps some of us are closer to each other then we realize. Of course some of us know where each other are, how ever there are many members I don’t know the location of. There are literally NO high fi dealers near me, so it is nice to see/hear a good system, set up by a fellow audiophile, my latest friend is so happy that he is not the only one in this area with this passion. So I am in the Albany, NY area, where are you folks from?
Denver, and I have actually toured the famed Avalon factory with a friend that used to work there. Now thats some furniture that sounds great. Too bad I can't afford it.
Went looking for some Marinco IEC connectors the other day - what an experience! (at the nearest Grainger : "whut's an eye-aye-say kunnecter"? Or the local "hifi store" - me: "do you carry any tube equipment?" them: "they stopped making that stuff in the 70's, why would you want that?" ;-)
getting warmer and more humid by the day...
Littleton Co, Just a couple miles south of Columbine, the biggest media frenzy since OJ.

Littleton is great, best place in colorado. Everything else is either too yuppy or too violent.

I think i saw a couple other colorado folk in this thread. I gotta admit, i have no Audiophile buddys xcept all you people here on the 'GON

ANyone in denver ever wanna check out gear and drink some beer feel free to let me know!
Chippewa Falls Wisconsin.
I don't anyone within driving distance has over a $300. rig. No hi-end stores,no audio friends,nothing.